Don't miss Diana Mund's workshop on the Astrological Indications of Herbal Medicine August 2023!
Diana will be gifting us her knowledge on the topic that she has developed over the last 25 years of clinical practice and through the teachings of Dorothy Hall.
This one-day workshop is best suited for Naturopathy / Western Herbal Medicine students and practitioners, but can be completed by anyone with an interest in herbal medicine.
Deposits are incredibly important as we only have limited spaces for this even. Deposits of $50 must be made by the 18th August 2023. This workshop is in-person only and is located in Glenhaven, Sydney (2156).
To register please email us at or call us on 9659-8150.
“You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great. - Joe Sabah”
Mentoring Program
Our mentoring program is designed for students and practitioners who want to:
Gain hands on experience in all aspects of running a successful health clinic
Strengthen their skills in consulting and prescribing as a natural health practitioner
Develop confidence in their skills
This program gives you a chance to
See how a naturopathic business is put together and how it runs
Sit in on consultations with clients permission
Practice putting together herbal formulas under supervision
Individual consultation observations:
Join Diana in the clinic for invaluable consultation experience
Testimonials for our mentoring program:
"Finding a naturopath who will mentor you can be difficult. Finding one who is passionate, knowledgeable and has a great dispensary - all the more challenging."
“Dear Diana, thank you so much for all your help with getting through my observations, in what has been a challenging time. I appreciate all the wonderful knowledge you are willing to share and look forward to learning more with you in the future” - R
“Dear Diana, thank you for having me for student observation. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and for your time every week. It has been so valuable, I truly appreciate it!” - S
“To dear Diana, thank you so much for allowing me to come in and observe over the last couple of weeks. I’ve learnt so much from you, you’re an amazing practitioner and I’m forever grateful that I got the opportunity to observe your consults” - G
“To Diana, I want to express my gratitude for taking me on board for learning purposes, I really enjoyed it! I value your time and knowledge that you shared with me. Thank you so much!” - G