About Us
At Bella Vista Natural Therapies we work in a traditional and unique way with the use of Herbal Medicine, Bach Flower Remedies, and Nutritional Supplements. The treatment is powerful, yet gentle, creating great change in overall health.
The main areas of treatment include but are not limited to:
General Health and Well-Being
Immune Support and Infectious Diseases
Digestive - GIT issues
Babies, Toddlers, Children, Teens, Adults, and the Elderly
Natural Fertility Management
Ante & Post Natal Care
Skin Conditions (including; Eczema, Psoriasis, and Acne)
The modalities we use in the clinic consist of:
Herbal Medicine
Foot Glyphology
Bach Flower Essences
Initially, we work over a twelve-week blood cycle as there is no "quick fix." The body takes time to heal, and we support this. We also create better health through strengthening, cleansing, and balancing your organs and body systems, thereby inspiring improved health and resilience to disease.
If your body is given the correct natural remedies, it can heal itself.
It is our mission to identify the ideal prescription for you to do this.
Our treatment considers all aspects of your Being:
Emotional and Attitudinal
Environmental and Circumstantial
With Naturopathic treatment, the policy is "treat the person and the problem goes away." The focus is not on the disease or the symptoms, but on the whole body and its balance. This emphasis allows for great repair and healing to occur.
Read more about Our Practitioners or make a booking enquiry now.
“To support our clients in building better health in all aspects of their being.”