Our 10 Tips for Better Health
1- Attitude is everything and everything is Attitude - mind is mighty, thought happens first.
2 - Have regular checks with a health professional while you are well. Prevention is better than cure, “Your health is your wealth”.
3 - Eat like a King at breakfast, a Prince at lunch, a Pauper at night - The body’s acid cycle is highest before 2pm.
4 - Avoid ham, pork, aspartame, 951,954 saccharine, MSG 621, all carbonated drinks, micro-waved food and margarine.
5 - Listen to your body, it is intelligent, right now your heart is beating automatically how grand is that?!
6 - Surround yourself with people that want to grow and take responsibility for their health and life. People that ask more of you than you ask of yourself.
7 - Know that you are here to create the unknown; we automatically keep creating the known unless we choose to change.
8 - You are unique, what you think brings mass into matter (Quantum Physics). Your frequency makes up the whole and it matters.
9 - Be willing to give up what ever is holding you back - that is no stories it is just a belief.
10 - Let your food be your medicine.